Konto viðbót fyrir WooCommerce

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Viðskiptavinur velur að greiða í netbanka

Viðskiptavinur velur greiðsluaðferðina ,,Reikning í netbanka". Konto útbýr og sendir sölureikning, birtir í netbanka greiðanda og lætur söluaðila vita þegar reikningur hefur verið greiddur.


Seljandi velur að stofna reikning út frá pöntun

Á aðeins við þegar kaupandi valdi ekki að fá kröfu í netbanka.

Setja upp Konto viðbótina í Wordpress

Stillingar fyrir WooCommerce vefverslun

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English description

This PHP code is a WooCommerce plugin for Konto Checkout. The plugin extends WooCommerce to allow users to process payments and create invoices using the Konto service.

Here's a summary of the main components of the code:

  1. Constants: KONTO_DIR, KONTO_URL, and KONTO_VERSION are defined to store the plugin's directory path, directory URL, and version.
  2. The 'woocommerce_konto_gateway_init' function is added to the 'plugins_loaded' action hook. This function initializes the plugin, checks if the required dependencies (WooCommerce and cURL) are loaded, and adds the Konto payment gateway to WooCommerce.
  3. The 'add_konto_gateway' function adds the Konto gateway to the WooCommerce payment gateways.
  4. The 'konto_override_checkout_fields' function adds an Icelandic Social Security Number (Kennitala) field to the WooCommerce checkout form.
  5. The 'konto_checkout_field_process' function adds validation for the Kennitala field during the checkout process.
  6. The 'authorize_gateway_icon' function modifies the icon size for the Konto gateway.
  7. The 'add_action_to_order' and 'create_invoice' functions add an action to create an invoice for orders that meet specific criteria.
  8. The 'konto_admin_notice_error' function displays an error notice in the WordPress admin area when there is an error message in the session.
  9. The 'WC_Gateway_Konto' class extends the WooCommerce WC_Payment_Gateway class and defines the Konto payment gateway, its settings, and the process_payment method for handling the creation of invoices and processing payments using the Konto API.
  10. The 'init_form_fields' function defines the settings fields for the Konto payment gateway in the WooCommerce admin area.

Overall, this plugin integrates Konto Checkout with WooCommerce, allowing customers to receive digital invoices via email and have their bills appear in their online banking portals under "Unpaid Bills."

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